Potential Customers

Your Potential Customers Or Prospects…Knowing Who They Are Can Make All The Difference In The World

Here’s one of the most critical questions I can ask… Do you know who your best prospects are? Who your potential customers are? And I mean, do you really know?

Do you know…

  • Who they are?
  • Where they are?
  • How to contact them?
  • What kinds of needs or wants they have?
  • What kinds of offers they respond to?
  • What would prompt them to buy from you?
  • What kind of buying habits they have?
  • And who they hang around with?

If you don’t know the answers to these critical questions… you’re basically just shooting in the dark. The more clearly you can focus in on a tight target market, the more success you’ll have. Think about it for a minute. What is the difference between a Suspect… just a name, and a Prospect… someone who may be in the market for your product or service, and has the financial capacity to buy? The answer, of course, is all the difference in the world.

Why would you want to spend any time, effort or money trying to convince people who have no need, no want, no capacity to buy… to buy from you?

The real truth is, if you’re trying to sell to everyone, you’re really selling to no one. But when you focus on a tightly identified niche, you can more effectively address the needs of that market and make offers that they are predisposed to take advantage of. It’s the old, “Rifle vs. Shotgun” approach. If you can single out a certain market segment, who is more likely to buy from you, you’re way better off directing your ads and marketing efforts to them, your potential customers, than you are to the general public.

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